Kids Count Coffee-Moorhead - Sept. 25, 1:00 P.M.
Save the date for the Children's Defense Fund
-Minnesota KIDS COUNT Coffee. Learn about regional trends in
children's health, education, and economic stability. Get a special look
at Kids Count data from a rural perspective. Find out about best
practices being used across the state to improve outcomes for children,
adults and families. Those attending will receive copies of all
presentation materials.
This year’s 2012 Minnesota KIDS COUNT Data Book entitled Children Across Minnesota explores the unique challenges of families living in Greater Minnesota and addresses the often overlooked realities of living in rural areas.
This year’s 2012 Minnesota KIDS COUNT Data Book entitled Children Across Minnesota explores the unique challenges of families living in Greater Minnesota and addresses the often overlooked realities of living in rural areas.
Tuesday, September 25th, 2012*
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM |
Registering to attend is helpful but not mandatory.
You can register by emailing just
put the words KIDS COUNT in the subject line or call 218-299-7315.
* A Kids Count Coffee is also taking place on Wednesday,
September 26th at West Central Initiative in Fergus Falls at 10:00 A.M..
Go to for
more information and click on their events calendar.